Cardano uses Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) to store on-chain data. Reading and writing data from/to blockchain requires serialization and deserialization of CBOR binaries.
A core feature PyCardano provides is serialization. It can serialize Python objects into CBOR bytes and deserialize CBOR bytes back to Python objects. Most Classes in PyCardano are child class of CBORSerializable, which provides two CBOR-related methods. to_cbor generates CBOR bytes from an instance, and from_cbor restore an instance.
>>> from pycardano import (TransactionBody,
... TransactionInput,
... TransactionId,
... TransactionOutput)
>>> tx_id_hex = "732bfd67e66be8e8288349fcaaa2294973ef6271cc189a239bb431275401b8e5"
>>> tx_in = TransactionInput(TransactionId(bytes.fromhex(tx_id_hex)), 0)
>>> addr = Address.decode(
... "addr_test1vrm9x2zsux7va6w892g38tvchnzahvcd9tykqf3ygnmwtaqyfg52x"
... )
>>> output1 = TransactionOutput(addr, 100000000000)
>>> output2 = TransactionOutput(addr, 799999834103)
>>> fee = 165897
>>> tx_body = TransactionBody(
... inputs=[tx_in],
... outputs=[output1, output2],
... fee=fee
... )
>>> cbor_hex = tx_body.to_cbor_hex()
>>> restored_tx_body = TransactionBody.from_cbor(cbor_hex)
>>> assert tx_body == restored_tx_body
>>> restored_tx_body
{'auxiliary_data_hash': None,
'certificates': None,
'collateral': [],
'fee': 165897,
'inputs': [{'index': 0,
'transaction_id': TransactionId(hex='732bfd67e66be8e8288349fcaaa2294973ef6271cc189a239bb431275401b8e5')}],
'mint': None,
'network_id': None,
'outputs': [{'address': addr_test1vrm9x2zsux7va6w892g38tvchnzahvcd9tykqf3ygnmwtaqyfg52x,
'amount': 100000000000,
'datum_hash': None},
{'address': addr_test1vrm9x2zsux7va6w892g38tvchnzahvcd9tykqf3ygnmwtaqyfg52x,
'amount': 799999834103,
'datum_hash': None}],
'required_signers': [],
'script_data_hash': None,
'ttl': None,
'update': None,
'validity_start': None,
'withdraws': None}
Plutus Data
Note that Plutus datums, passed to smart contracts follow slightly specific rules to from_cbor, outlined in the plutus documentation.